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╭☆°各位朋友 蛇年行大運 Happy New Year!...☆°╯

♡ ℒℴve ♡❤❤~Have a Nice Day❤❤

祝┏┯┓┏┯┓┏┯┓┏┯┓┏┯┓┏┯┓♥(\ /)

福┠天┠┨天┠┨開┠┨心┨┠快┨┠樂┨ღ( . .)ღ


♪♫•.•°*°•.¸¸. ♡ ℒℴve ♡ .•°*° ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ...⋯⋯...⋯⋯

Saturday, December 11, 2010

How To Get Promoted : 9 Obvious And Often Not Practiced Tips

It would be safe to say that you would have probably entertained the question of how to get promoted even before you graduated or left school. In my chats with juniors from my industry, I am often asked this question which I gladly answer. However, I sense they simply want short cuts to the next level.

These experiences pushed me to pen these 9 obvious but often not practiced tips on how to get promoted. Start internalizing these tips and make them part of your career plan. Before you know it, you would have moved up to the next level.

One main reason for people to ignore these obvious practices on how to get promoted is because they seem very long term. But they are not at all. All you need to do is to consistently DO them. I have broken them down to 3 main sections: Plan, Attitude and Action.


1. Where Are You and Why Are You There? How to get promoted?

First you will need to have a reference point. Ask yourself, where are you now? And why are you there? Is there any key strength that has brought you where you are now that you can continue to leverage for the next promotion?

Are there any weaknesses that you really need to correct before the next promotion is possible? These questions, while simple are strategic. It allows you to check your strengths and weaknesses. It forces you to access what has worked and what will work to get you promoted.

2. Where Do You Want To Be and How Do You Get There?

You obviously need to have an objective and a plan. Just saying that you want to get promoted is not enough. You need to be clear on your next position. Is it a promotion to a different department or a different branch? Write this down.

Now that you have written this down, how do you plan to get that promotion? Develop a plan for to achieve that objective. If you are lucky, you can even work this out with your immediate boss. Most bosses do not promise that promotion at such discussions but at the very least you get an idea of what are the expectations.


3. Put Pride, Passion and Belief In Everything You Do

People who get promoted are those that have a sense of pride in their work. And they take pride in their work. They are driven by genuine enthusiasm and desire to do their best no matter how small the job.

They believe in themselves and they believe in the bigger goals of their unit or department and company. How to get promoted? Ask yourself; do you conduct yourself with pride, passion and belief?

4. Back it Up with Skills/Knowledge, Direction and Action

Having pride, passion and belief is only part of how to get promoted. It must be backed up skills and knowledge. That means having the necessary skills and knowledge to do a superb job. Having a direction is important to guide that energy generated by your passion. Otherwise, effort is wasted. Without action which is the actual completion of the task, all else is academic. You will be judged by what you do.

5. See Challenges As Opportunities

Another obvious tip on how to get promoted is to see challenges as opportunities. Very often I see young executives being thrown challenging assignments, which they choose to see as an additional chore.

If you want to be promoted, look at challenges as opportunities to shine. Do not complain about hard work, how hard you worked or if your assignment is tougher than your colleagues’. Trust me, no one wants to know how hard you work. In everyone’s mind, their own work is the hardest.


6. What Is Your Part?

Know your part and play your part. What is your role? Are you an implementer? Or are you a leader? Know exactly what you need to do in order for your unit to achieve its goals. Knowing your part means being a team player. No one can succeed without help from others. We all need the support of colleagues. When the team succeeds, you succeed too.

7. Do Your Best NOW I consider this as one of the most important tip on how to get promoted. Do your best NOW. Today. This week’s tasks and projects. Do not bask in the glory of your previous work. That is gone. In all likelihood, no one else cares about it especially your bosses.

Do not think too much about future projects that are not implemented yet. That is in the future. It is not here yet. Focus on DOING your best NOW. It determines how you are being judged. When you reflect too much on the past and think too much about the future, you forget to focus on the NOW.

8. Do More Than Necessary If you want to know how to get promoted, do more than the necessary. That means volunteering for work and taking the initiative to make a job better. It also means not sitting around waiting for work to come to you.

Bosses like people who can help them solve problems. Even if the problem is not yours, but if you feel you can be of help and have the expertise to solve it, then volunteer to help. You become the team’s competitive advantage when you do that. And bosses like people who give their unit an advantage over the others. Helping your team stay ahead is then helping you stay ahead too.

9. Do Work from The Next Level Up

If you continue doing work for your current position then you truly deserve your current position. People who know how to get promoted know that if you want the position next level up, you start doing some of those work from that level now. If you are a senior executive now, do some work that is only expected of an assistant manager (assuming that is the next level up). This allows you to demonstrate that you are capable of that position already.

Obviously, there are zillions of tips out there on how to get promoted. These are some of those that I deem to be obvious and not practiced enough by career success seeking newbies. Putting these into practice would greatly increase your chances of a promotion.


Long Yun Siang or Long, as he is popularly known runs http://career-success-for-newbies.com/ with his wife Dorena as their way of paying it forward. Their website – based on their real life experiences - provides tips, tools and advise for newbies pursuing career success.

Happiness in Life: You Deserve it!

Achieving your own happiness is the best measure of how well you are living your life and enjoying your relationships. You can learn how to be happier and more fulfilled in everything you do.

Everyone is Different

Happiness in life is like a smorgasbord. If 100 people went to a smorgasbord and each put food on their plate in the quantity and mix that each felt would be most pleasing to him, every plate would be different. Even a husband and wife would go up to the smorgasbord and come back with plates that looked completely different. Happiness is the same way. Each person requires a particular combination of those ingredients to feel the very best about him or herself.

Listen to Your Heart

And your mix is changing continually. If you went to the same smorgasbord every day for a year, you probably would come back with a different plateful of food each time. Each day-sometimes each hour-only you can tell what it takes to make you happy. Therefore, the only way to judge whether a job, a relationship, an investment, or any decision, is right for you is to get in touch with your feelings and listen to your heart.

Be True to Yourself

You’re true to yourself only when you follow your inner guiding light, when you listen to what Ralph Waldo Emerson called the “still, small voice within.” You’re being the very best person you can be only when you have the courage and the fortitude to allow your definition of happiness, whatever it may be, to be the guiding light of every part of your life.

There Are No Limits

A very important point on the subject of happiness is whether or not you feel that you “deserve” to be happy.

Accept the notion that you deserve all the happiness in life you can honestly attain through the application of your talents and abilities. The more you like and respect yourself, the more deserving you will feel of the good things in life. And the more deserving you feel, the more likely you will attain and hold on to the happiness you are working toward.

Make Happiness Your Key Measure

You should make finding happiness in life the organizing principle of your life. Compare every possible action and decision you make against your standard of happiness to see whether that action would make you happier or unhappier. Soon, you will discover that almost all of the problems in your life come from choices that you have made – or are currently making – that do not contribute to your happiness.

Pay the Price

Of course, there are countless times when you will have to do little things that don’t make you happy along the way toward those larger things that make you very happy indeed. We call this paying the price of success in advance. You must pay your dues. Sometimes these interim steps don’t make you happy directly, but the happiness you achieve from attaining your goal will be so great that it totally overwhelms the temporary inconveniences and dissatisfactions you have to endure in order to get there.

Action Exercises

Here are three steps you can take immediately to put these ideas into action.

First, accept that you deserve all the joy and happiness you can possibly achieve through your own efforts.

Second, make your own happiness the chief organizing principle of your life and judge everything against that standard. Follow your inner guiding light.

Third, be willing to work hard and pay the price for the satisfaction and rewards you desire. Always go the extra mile and your success will be assured.

☆ ▒ Merry Christmas 2010 and Happy New Year 2011...圣诞+新年快乐...▒★

We Wish You A Merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas

And a happy New Year.

Glad tidings we bring

To you and your kin;

Glad tidings for Christmas

And a happy New Year!

We want some figgy pudding

We want some figgy pudding

We want some figgy pudding

Please bring it right here!

Glad tidings we bring

To you and your kin;

Glad tidings for Christmas

And a happy New Year!

We won't go until we get some

We won't go until we get some

We won't go until we get some

So bring it out here!

Glad tidings we bring

To you and your kin;

Glad tidings for Christmas

And a happy New Year!

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

And a happy New Year.

Glad tidings we bring

To you and your kin;

Glad tidings for Christmas

And a happy New Year!

"We Wish You a Merry Christmas" is a popular secular 16th century English carol from West Country of England. It is one of the few traditional holiday carols that makes mention of the New Year's celebration.

In the days of Olde England, groups of traveling singers would entertain for food or pay. These groups were called "waits" and were extremely popular at Christmastime. We Wish You a Merry Christmas is one of these old tunes.

We wish you a Merry Christmas History has its roots in England. However the author and the composer of the song still remains unknown to the whole world. Therefore the date of the publication of the song is not known. This song We wish you a Merry Christmas actually reflects the Christmas tradition of showering gifts on the people who wandered from house to house, singing these Christmas songs to please the wealthy people of the community.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Steve Jobs 十句給年輕人的說話


創新無極限!只要敢想,沒有什麼不可能,立即跳出思維的框框吧。如果你正處於一個上升的朝陽行業,那麼嘗試去尋找更有效的解決方案:更招消費者喜愛、 更簡潔的商業模式。如果你處於一個日漸萎縮的行業,那麼趕緊在自己變得跟不上時代之前抽身而出,去換個工作或者轉換行業。不要拖延,立刻開始創新!




我把這段話濃縮為:“做我所愛”。去尋找一個能給你的生命帶來意義、價值和讓你感覺充實的事業。擁有使命感和目標感才能給生命帶來意義、價值和充實。 這不僅對你的健康和壽命有益處,而且即使在你處於困境的時候你也會感覺良好。在每週一的早上,你能不能利索的爬起來並且對工作日充滿期待?如果不能,那麼 你得重新去尋找。你會感覺得到你是不是真的找到了。


帶著責任感生活,嘗試為這個世界帶來點有意義的事情,為更高尚的事情做點貢獻。這樣你會發現生活更加有意義,生命不再枯燥。需要我們去做的事情很多。 告訴其他人你的計畫,不要鼓吹,也不要自以為是,更不能盲目狂熱,那樣只會把人們嚇跑,當然,你也不要害怕成為榜樣,要抓住出頭的機會讓人們知道你的所作 所為。




過去十年中,大量的理論研究表明,電視對人的精神和心智是有害的。大多數電視觀眾都知道這個壞習慣會浪費時間並且使大腦變得遲鈍,但是他們還是選擇呆 在電視機前面。關掉電視吧,給自己省點腦細胞。還有,電腦也會讓你的大腦秀逗,不信的話你去跟那些一天花8小時玩第一視角射擊遊戲、汽車拉力遊戲、角色扮 演遊戲的人聊聊看,你也會得出這個結論的。




十幾年來,世界各地的書店裏湧現出海量的關於歷史人物的書籍。這些人物包括蘇格拉底、達芬奇、哥白尼、達爾文以及愛因斯坦成為人們靈感的燈塔,而蘇格 拉底排在第一位。西塞羅評價蘇格拉底說:“他把哲學從高山仰止高高在上的學科變得與人休戚相關。”把蘇格拉底的原則運用到你的生活、工作、學習以及人際關 系上吧,這不是關於蘇格拉底,這是關於你自己,以及關於你如何給你每天的生活帶來更多的真善美。


你是否知道在你的生命中,有什麼使命是一定要達成的?你知不知道在你喝一杯咖啡或者做些無意義事情的時候,這些使命又蒙上了一層灰塵?我們生來就隨身 帶著一件東西,這件東西指示著我們的渴望、興趣、熱情以及好奇心,這就是使命。你不需要任何權威來評斷你的使命,沒有任何老闆、老師、父母、牧師以及任何 權威可以幫你來決定。你需要靠你自己來尋找這個獨特的使命。




Monday, December 6, 2010


1. English (英语) - I love you

2. Afrikaans (南非地方语言) - Ek het jou lief

3. Albanian (阿尔巴尼亚语) - Te dua

4. Arabic (阿拉伯语) - Ana behibak (给予男性), Ana behibek (给予女性)

5. Armenian (亚美尼亚语)- Yes kez sirumen

6. Bambara - M'bi fe

7. Bangla (孟加拉语)- Aamee tuma ke bhalo aashi

8. Belarusian(白俄罗斯语) - Ya tabe kahayu

9. Bisaya (菲律宾地方语言)- Nahigugma ako kanimo

10. Bulgarian (保加利亚语)- Obicham te

11. Cambodian (柬语)- Soro lahn nhee ah

12. Cantonese Chinese (粤语)- Ngo oiy ney a

13. Catalan (西班牙地方语言)- T'estimo

14. Cheyenne (美国印地安语言)- Ne mohotatse

15. Chichewa - Ndimakukonda

16. Corsican (法属地中海岛屿地方语言)- Ti tengu caru (给予男性)

17. Creole - Mi aime jou

18. Croatian (克罗地亚语)- Volim te

19. Czech (捷克语)- Miluji te

20. Danish (丹麦语)- Jeg Elsker Dig

21. Dutch (荷兰语)- Ik hou van jou

22. Esperanto (世界语)- Mi amas vin

23. Estonian (埃莎尼亚语)- Ma armastan sind

24. Ethiopian (埃塞尔比亚语)- Afgreki'

25. Faroese (丹麦属法罗尔群岛地方语言)- Eg elski teg

26. Farsi (波斯语)- Doset daram

27. Filipino (菲律宾语)- Mahal kita

28. Finnish (芬兰语)- Mina rakastan sinua

29. French (法语)- Je t'aime, Je t'adore

30. Gaelic (苏格兰地方语言)- Ta gra agam ort

31. Georgian (格鲁吉亚语)- Mikvarhar

32. German (德语)- Ich liebe dich

33. Greek (希腊语)- S'agapo

34. Gujarati (印度地方语言)- Hoo thunay prem karoo choo

35. Hiligaynon - Palangga ko ikaw

36. Hawaiian (夏威宜地方语言)- Aloha wau ia oi

37. Hebrew (稀柏莱语)- Ani ohev otah (给予女性), Ani ohev et otha (给予男性)

38. Hiligaynon - Guina higugma ko ikaw

39. Hindi (兴地语)- Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae

40. Hmong - Kuv hlub koj

41. Hopi - Nu' umi unangwa'ta

42. Hungarian (匈牙利语)- Szeretlek

43. Icelandic (冰岛语)- Eg elska tig

44. Ilonggo - Palangga ko ikaw

45. Indonesian (印尼语)- Saya cinta padamu

46. Inuit (格林兰岛地方语言)- Negligevapse

47. Irish (爱尔兰语)- Taim i' ngra leat

48. Italian (意大利语)- Ti amo

49. Japanese (日本语)- Aishiteru

50. Kannada (印度地方语言)- Naanu ninna preetisuttene

51. Kapampangan (菲律宾地方语言)- Kaluguran daka

52. Kiswahili (非洲语言)- Nakupenda

53. Konkani (印度地方语言)- Tu magel moga cho

54. Korean (韩语)- Sarang Heyo

55. Latin (拉丁语)- Te amo

56. Latvian (拉托维亚语)- Es tevi miilu

57. Lebanese (黎巴嫩语)- Bahibak

58. Lithuanian (立陶宛语)- Tave myliu

59. Malay (马来语)- Saya cintakan mu / Aku cinta padamu

60. Malayalam (印度地方语言)- Njan Ninne Premikunnu

61. Mandarin Chinese (中文)- Wo ai ni

62. Marathi (印度地方语言)- Me tula prem karto

63. Mohawk - Kanbhik

64. Moroccan (摩洛哥语)- Ana moajaba bik

65. Nahuatl - Ni mits neki

66. Navaho - Ayor anosh'ni

67. Norwegian (挪威语)- Jeg Elsker Deg

68. Pandacan - Syota na kita!!

69. Pangasinan - Inaru Taka

70. Papiamento - Mi ta stimabo

71. Pig Latin - Iay ovlay ouyay

72. Polish (波兰语)- Kocham Ciebie

73. Portuguese (葡萄牙语)- Eu te amo

74. Romanian (罗马尼亚语)- Te ubesk

75. Russian (俄罗斯语)- Ya tebya liubliu

76. Scot Gaelic (苏格兰地方语言)- Tha gra\dh agam ort

77. Serbian (塞尔维亚语)- Volim te

78. Setswana - Ke a go rata

79. Sign Language (手语)- ,\,,/ (represents position of fingers when signing'I Love You')

80. Sindhi (巴基斯坦地方语言)- Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan

81. Sioux - Techihhila

82. Slovak (斯洛伐克语)- Lu`bim ta

83. Slovenian (斯洛文尼亚语)- Ljubim te

84. Spanish (西班牙语)- Te quiero / Te amo

85. Swahili (非洲地方语言)- Ninapenda wewe

86. Swedish (瑞典语)- Jag alskar dig

87. Swiss-German (瑞士德语)- Ich lieb Di

88. Taiwanese (台语)- Wa ga ei li

89. Tahitian (大希地地方语言)- Ua Here Vau Ia Oe

90. Tamil (印度地方语言)- Nan unnai kathalikaraen

91. Telugu (印度地方语言)- Nenu ninnu premistunnanu

92. Thai (泰语)- Chan rak khun (to male), Phom rak khun (to female)

93. Turkish (土尔其语)- Seni Seviyorum

94. Ukrainian (乌克兰语)- Ya tebe kahayu

95 .Urdu (印度地方语言)- mai aap say pyaar karta hoo

96. Vietnamese (越南语)- Anh ye^u em (给予女性), Em ye^u anh (给予男性)

97. Welsh (威尔士语)- 'Rwy'n dy garu

98. Yiddish - Ikh hob dikh

99. Yoruba - Mo ni fe

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